Saturday, December 17, 2011

iPod to is possible.. :-)

Recently I converted iPod touch 4g to iPhone... Thx to Abhijit Patki for finding the Raisoo product.
I thought to share the information with my friend community through this blog....This blog below
is based on mobile service providers in India.
1) Supporting phone app and message app similar to iPhone
2) Dual SIM card.
4) Supports most of the GSM networks within India..
Features not tested
2) 3G support.
What you need for converting iPod to iPhone.
1) Jailbroken iPod touch 4G..refer the link below for jailbreaking your iPod Touch (
2) Raisoo New Peel T4 (for 4G iPods) ( This product support dual SIM cards... :-)
3) SIM cards with PIN removed. (Please refer to notes below on how to remove the PIN)

How to guide
1) Jail Break the iPod Touch
If you have not upgraded to iOS 5.0.1...luck is with you as there are some issues of jailbreak with iOS 5.0.1. If you have upgraded to iOS not worry there is lot of work going on to come up with jail break app..soon....
Jail Break your iPod as per the link above.
2) Order Raisoopeel T4 from or
2) Download Raiso apps and install.. Please follow the steps given in the link below
3) Remove the PIN from SIM card
a) Call your mobile service provider and get the PIN for your SIM if you do not know it already.
b) Goto to settings>>Security>SIM PIN and click to disable security. You may be asked to input PIN for confirmation.
c) Press OK/Enter to remove PIN security.
4) Insert the SIM card in the Raissopeel and connect iPod.
5) Access the Raisoo Phone application and Register your IMEI number with Raisso app downloaded in the above step.
6) Restart the iPod (if the iOS 5.01, then you have to use tethered boot using the software you used for jail breaking the iPod.
7) Start making calls and sending SMS.
I did transfom iPod touch to iPhone on 12/16/2011 and so far I'm finding it very interesting and robust.
Cost comparison
If you want a Apple iPhone 4g you might be paying more than Rs 30000. With this transformation the iPhone is ready with less than Rs 15000....
1) iPod 8 GB: Rs 6000 -Rs -8000
2) Raiso Peel T4 : Rx 4500($ 90) approx from

So guys anyone wants to try some technical stuff as above... welcome to join the club...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

JailBreak-iPod Touch

I successfully jailbroke iPod touch 4g...

Following is the small help for those who want to jailbreak iPod..

What you need
1. iPod touch 4g - iOS 5.0.1
2. Windows 7 PC
3. iTunes 10.5
4. Redsn0w 0.9.9b8
5. The previous ipsw file
This is very important as the redsn0w does not support the latest version of ipsw file installed with iOS 5.0.1

Some terms you need to know before moving further
Tethered jailbreak vs untetgered jailbreak
Please see the link below for more information

DFU mode(link below for more informatio)

The steps mentioned below are applicable to tethered jailbreak as the untethered jailbreak is not yet available for iOS 5.0.1

The untethered jailbreak is available for versions less than 5.0. Please do reasearch before you upgrade to iOS 5.0
Before starting with jailbreak please copy the ipsw file which is downloaded in #5 (requirements section)
to Apple >>software updates
Backup your iPod touch using iTunes before starting the proces.

Steps are provided below

1.Turn the iOS device off and then connect it to the computer
2.Launch Redsn0w and click the “Extras” button, then click on “Select IPSW” – locate the iOS 5 IPSW (not iOS 5.0.1) and click “Open”
3.Click “Back” to return to the original Redsn0w screen and click on “Jailbreak” as usual
4.Put the iOS device in DFU mode as redsn0w instructs, holding down the Power and Home button for 10 seconds, then release the power button but continue to hold the Home button for another 15 seconds or so
As the jailbreak works, the iPhone/iPad/iPod will reboot and you’ll get a notification that it requires a tethered boot, let the device boot up as usual and then put the hardware into DFU mode yet again so you can perform the tethered boot and get Cydia to work
5.Back in Redsn0w, go to “Extras” and select the iOS 5.0 IPSW again, then click on “Just Boot” at the top of the “Extras” menu to perform the tethered boot

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Changing times....lead to changing policies....

It is often observed that changing times does not lead to change in policies within in India or it takes longer time for a policy change to be effective and the the policy update considered for the change is already Chnaged......:-)
We are seeing the change in the way people work (at least in IT)....due to some of the following major reasons
1. Inceasing traffic
2. Travel time
3. Pollution
4. Time for family
5. Technological advance
6. Shift work
7. Working for customers who are not in the same timezone as India.etc..

I tried to highlight some major reasons above and there may be many.....

The above reasons have lead people to Work From Home (WFH)...

With this blog I would like to highlight some of the things employees,employers and the Govt...can do to make it easier for people to adopt to changing times.

I don't want to go into the history of WFH so providing a link below for you to go through.

As can be seen from the wiki article there are advantages and disadvantages of adopting to WFH.

As more and more organisations start to adopt to the new trend in working my concern would be Govt and Employers not planning the change in trend. Also the concern with employees would be not utilising the time and trend professionally.

Employees should be professional enough to give 100% work during WFH...
Employers on the other hand have specific controls benefits for the employees working from home.
Govt could build a good policy around the new trend which actually saves lot of fuel costs...improves communities...allows physically challenged to take advantage of the change in trend...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Anna vs Manmohana

As Anna has ended his fast and the first step towards eradacating corruption is taken.... there is long way to go.....I wanted to put some thoughts on two personalities who were part of our lives for last 2-3 weeks...

Manmohan Singh
The higly educated economist and the man who got us the freedom from the socialism (Babu'ism) by implementing reforms in 1991. Due to MMS's reforms consumers have options to choose. In earlier days it used to take 7-10 years to get a Bajaj Scooter or to start a business due to license raaj. Money was not circulated to common man and people had faith in FD's rather than any other form of investment like the one which we are seeing today (mutual funds,bonds,stock market). People used to invest in these types earlier also but was not exposed to lot of people. Allowing foreign investment in lot of sectors made it possible for consumers to choose,learn and earn. Today we see best brands of cars on road (even though we have to go a long way in making a good infrastructure available for the growth...) and it is not now limited to the rich nowadays...anyone can make money with proper business idea and share it with people...the best example I can think of it, is Infosys.

In a way MMS got us freedom from License Raaj and socialism....

In the background of all this development there were some crooks who wanted to make money easily and loot ppl's money. They found easier way to make money as there was no thought given on the accountability, transferency and control of the institutes or individuals who were involved in making big decisions. They created a plan and executed it successfully by looting ppl's money and safely secured it in Swiss bank.

The stage was set for next revolution and Anna Hazare entered the stage.People were getting out of patience with everyday news of corruption of the so called Biggies. The Govt was trying its level best to save them as it would reveal all the trade secret of the business...there were arrests made...but with slow pace of movement after arrests. People wanted some thing to be done fast and people responsible for bad deals have to be punished.But nothing was happening in that direction... Anna Hazre and team were fighting to get good lokapal to be created so that the cases are resolved fast and people responsible are punished...

Anna Hazare
As social activist and a great leader along with his team, took a first step toward bringing the Lokpal bill. The method he followed was Ahinsa and fast these days of crime everywhere no one thought this would be successsful...People started following him and we have seen nearly each and every city putting up an agitation against corruption... In the same time we have seem Libya,Syria,Egypt where people are using weapons to topple the Govts...Anna Hazare taught us that the Govts can be made to bow by Ahinsa...Anna Hazare's fast for 13 days and agitation did not see a single incident of fighting...

Hope the fight which is started by Anna Hazare against corruption continues and each and every citizen takes the responsibility of eradicating the corruption....

In a way Anna Hazre is trying to get us freedon from corruption...but we as the responsible citizens should act responsibly and commit not to give or take bribe. The battle has started but would need everybody's commitment and getting rid of "Chalta Hain" attitude.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


We are hearing about fight against corrruption everywhere in India....I would like share the following story and get some answers on corruption

A person riding a bike breaks the traffic light and due to which he crashes into a walking person who also did not follow traffic light...people on the street are scolding the person on the bike. Police catch holds of the person on the bike. He offers money to the police and police accepts it and let the person go.....

It is very simple story and you see ppl breaking the signal every minute (as walking ppl think it's there road and it is responsibility of the ppl driving the automobile to look and drive)

Who is corrupt in the above story?

Person on bike,Person walking, Police, Govt

In my my opinion all first three as Govt had installed the traffic light...

What is corruption?

Is it only paying the money?

Why there is corruption?

Is it due to person breaking the signal?

I know there are lot of ways ppl can be corrupt and has impact on the common people...I thought of this story and see what leads to corruption. In my opinion any bill will not stop the corruption unless and until people have discipline to follow it. If at all the lokpal bill comes into effect the story of ppl breaking the traffic signal does not change... There is no use in saying I'm Anna....We as people should try to bring that discipline, not insist for Govt to come with the bill...